About the Owner

Olive’s Branch Gallery represents a vision becoming reality for the owner, Deb Mastny.  Curating beautiful interior pieces to share with the visitors at Olive’s Branch is a passion and a joy for Deb.  Developing a business community of fine interiors import experts, talented local designer partners, as well as direct customers seeking that special addition to their lives is both rewarding and a true pleasure for Deb. “Creating a Gallery floor that brings a smile and enthusiasm to my customer brings it’s own reward every day.”

Deb Mastny has extensive experience in Executive Revenue and Trade Management . Her love and passion for auctions, antiques, and helping families dispose estates and property go back to her maternal grandparents.  We include the owners as part of any major decision, respecting that it is their property. “I recall my maternal grandparent’s auction day with my second cousin as an auctioneer. I was in my early 20’s. It was a small-town Victorian house my grandparents had lived in for 52-years. The house was full of family memorabilia from three generations. As people I had known for years walked away with those memories in their hands, it was difficult to watch. I have not forgotten it. I want my customers to be prepared for their memories to go to another home, and it is ok. Our company understands the emotion and sentiment involved in an estate sale. We want to provide understanding, empathy, and the ability to get them the very best they can achieve in sales.”

Olive’s Branch Gallery Estate Service is customer and client-driven: “If our clients are burdened we haven’t done our job. Our job is to relieve the burden, to provide consistent communication, and respond as quickly as possible to their concerns, questions, doubts, and fears. Our company treats the property as the customer’s throughout the entire estate disposition process. We do not pretend or assume that this is our property. It belongs to the owners.” We have a lifetime of experience of auctions, participating, and appreciating the process. We have a huge business background that provides an edge for our clients.

“Olive’s Branch is a personal nod to my paternal grandmother, Olive. In a day and age when women were not prepared to independently provide for the family, she demonstrated initiative and determination. Her journey was reflected down to her granddaughters through my father as an inspiration to be independent when necessary, confident, and strongly determined while seeking to achieve personal and family goals.”

– Deb Mastny, Owner